Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry: A smile from an early age

Caring for teeth begins in early childhood. As parents or guardians, we want our children to have beautiful and healthy teeth, even more than we wish for ourselves. Pediatric dentistry focuses on monitoring tooth development in children and plays a key role in preventing tooth and gum diseases. Proper hygiene habits developed in childhood accompany patients throughout their lives.

The first visit to the dentist

Preparing for the first visit to the dentist is crucial. Take the time to talk with your child and prepare them so that this encounter is positive and free of fear.

The first visit to the dentist is the most important moment in forming a relationship of trust and understanding, which lasts a lifetime.

Getting to know the dentist

At Barjaktarević Clinic, we believe that the first encounter should be relaxed and tailored to the child’s age.

Our goal is to introduce the child to the dentist, the clinic, and the instruments through conversation and play. This helps the child feel safe and calm during the check-up.

Upoznavanje sa lekarom

Health and habits

Healthy habits and proper nutrition are the foundation of a beautiful smile. At Barjaktarević Clinic, we know how to establish a good relationship with our youngest patients.

Most of our young patients continue to visit the clinic independently and without their parents as they grow older and remain loyal to their dentist.

Prevention in pediatric dentistry

Preventive check-ups in children are crucial for maintaining the health of teeth and gums. Our preventive treatments include:

  • Fissure sealants

  • Fluoride treatments

  • Treatment and extraction of baby teeth

  • Trainers for correcting teeth

  • Education on proper oral hygiene

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Our approach includes gradually adjusting the child to the new situation with a patient and friendly attitude without pressure. The first visit to the dentist can be just an introduction and conversation if it is assessed as the best way to gain the child’s trust.

Children with misaligned teeth often require an orthodontic treatment to correct their teeth.

Trust that lasts

Once trust is established between the child and the dentist, it lasts forever. A pleasant atmosphere in the clinic and a professional approach make the child’s visit for a check-up or procedure free from fear and discomfort.

We use high-quality materials and products from renowned global companies to protect and treat both baby and permanent teeth.

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