Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery: Safe and Secure Path to Health

Oral surgery involves the surgical treatment of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. Although many feel anxiety at the thought of dental interventions, modern dentistry offers painless and safe solutions with minimal trauma and the use of appropriate anesthesia. At Barjaktarević Clinic, we utilize advanced surgical techniques and high-quality instruments to ensure the comfort and safety of our patients.

Safe and Painless

Fear of dental procedures is common, but modern oral surgery includes refined surgical procedures that minimize trauma with the use of local or general anesthesia. The procedure is safe, following strict disinfection and sterilization protocols, ensuring maximum protection for both the patient and the dentist.

Oral surgery addresses:

  • Impacted wisdom teeth – Painless removal of complicated wisdom teeth using the Magnetic Mallet.

  • Complicated tooth extractions – Safe and atraumatic extraction with minimal discomfort.

  • Frenulum removal – Improves nutrition and speech in children and adults.

  • Implant placement and treatment of diseased gums – Preparing gums for prosthetic restorations.

  • Surgical preparation for dentures – Improves the fit of removable dentures.

  • Sinus lift – Allows implant placement in the upper jaw.

Tooth loss is not a permanent problem

Tooth loss can cause shifting of other teeth and disrupt the alignment of the dental arch and bite.
Oral surgery offers solutions that not only address immediate problems but also allow for further prosthetic or aesthetic interventions, preserving the dental arch and meeting high aesthetic demands.

Oralna operacija

Modern equipment and techniques

At Barjaktarević Clinic, we use the most modern equipment and materials. We are certified for various surgical techniques, and our team continuously educates itself and keeps up with the latest trends in dentistry.

Our goal is to provide top-notch service with complete protection and safety for our patients.

Safe procedures

One of the common procedures in oral surgery is apicoectomy, which involves surgically removing pathological changes at the root of the tooth. This operation is performed painlessly and under local anesthesia.

If tooth extraction is unavoidable, we use the Magnetic Mallet for atraumatic extraction, reducing the duration and discomfort of the procedure.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction doesn’t have to be painful and very uncomfortable: painlessly done under local or general anesthesia using the Magnetic Mallet.

Oral surgery also addresses sinuses. If sinuses are opened during tooth extraction, they must not be left that way—the dentist will surgically close the sinuses, preventing possible complications.

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