Digital Dentistry

We frequently hear the term digital dentistry, but what does it mean to be digital?

Digitalization is the process of converting an object, image, sound, document, or signal from analog to digital format. The result is a digital object – an image that reflects the visual identity, framework, and structure of the original. Digitalization allows the preservation of images in a format suitable for transfer and processing on a computer. In dentistry, this process brings numerous advancements.

Digitalization at Barjaktarević Clinic

At our clinic, digitalization is used in several ways:

  • Digital photography

  • Digital X-rays

  • Digital intraoral scanning

  • CEREC CAD/CAM technology

In addition to the most modern technological equipment, the successful use of digital technologies depends on the expertise, knowledge, and skills of our dental team, who have numerous awards and certificates.

Advantages of digital dentistry

Here are some key advantages of digital dentistry, which we will explain through specific examples:

  • Time efficiency – Digital technologies provide instant access to images of teeth and jaws, speeding up procedures.

  • Perfect precision and predictability – Our software allows patients to see how their smile will look after treatment.

  • Prevention and early intervention – Digital technologies detect potential dental problems in their early stages, enabling timely reactions.

  • Digital patient database – All data and information about exams and diagnostics are quickly accessible in one place.

Digital photography in dentistry

Professionals would say that a photograph is the result of developing a record from a film, but what we see in the mosaic above are digital records. Whatever we call them, photographs play a crucial role in the communication between the patient and the dentist, from the first meeting to the last, i.e., until the completion of the dental procedure.

Digitalno snimanje u stomatologiji | Digitalna stomatologija | Stomatološka ordinacija Barjaktarević - Beograd

Digital photographs are key to communication between the patient and dentist, from the first meeting to the end of treatment. They allow a detailed analysis of the condition of the teeth, identification of problems not visible in person, and help patients express their desires more precisely, while providing the dentist with a clearer vision of the proposed treatment.

The photograph becomes the most important tool when the patient and dentist review “before” and “after” treatment images together. Patient photos are used exclusively for medical purposes. For use on social media or in marketing, the patient’s consent is required.

3D X-ray – Digital radiography in dentistry

Digitalni snimak vilice

Computerized tomography 3D provides an accurate three-dimensional image of problematic areas or the entire jaw. This technology allows the dentist to see the jawbone structure, nerve pathways, and surrounding soft tissues. 3D scans are invaluable for diagnosing bone loss, abnormal growths, jaw fractures, infections, and joint disorders.

Intraoral scan – I