Dental Floss

Maintain daily oral hygiene… THREE TIMES FOR THREE MINUTES! All you need is a soft-bristled toothbrush, proper brushing technique, and the right toothpaste.

At Barjaktarević Dental Clinic, we know this is one of the safest ways to maintain healthy teeth. But, don’t forget about dental floss! It is essential for removing food particles and plaque from between the teeth and hard-to-reach areas.

Be responsible for your teeth… Your teeth and you deserve it!

Stomatološka ordinacija Barjaktarević - Beograd
Stomatološka ordinacija Barjaktarević - Beograd

Schedule your appointment and consultation by phone: +381 11 32 32 173 | +381 11 32 22 425 or by filling out the online form.

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Dental Floss


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